the line

Adult / Thriller

Reviewer Rating

Format reviewed: Audio

The Line by Bob Mayer

The Line by Bob Mayer was a fun read, or rather I should say listen.  I listened to the audio version of the book on my phone. From the beginning, I was hooked. It is a military thriller and the writing and use of military jargon made it seem authentic.  The story is about two West Point grads who are in the army. Major Boomer Watson, a member of the Army’s Delta Force and Major Benita Trace who is a helicopter pilot currently flying a desk for complaining about sexual harassment. They are friends who get together again in Hawaii and discover a conspiracy among West Point graduates to interfere in national politics.

It is a good story, but what really hooked it for me was the reader, Steven Cooper. He used a different voice for each character and was really good. So good, that at first, I wondered if the story was a group presentation.  Excellent narration like that really helps the story to come alive.

“The Line,” refers to “the long gray line” of West Point graduates. Over the past 70 years, some of them have been tapped to promote military interests in a covert manner.  What happens when Boomer and Benita find out that they are being used? What happens when they start to suspect a present day plot? You will have to read the book to find out.

I very much enjoyed the book. At some points, a few too many bodies seemed to be left behind to be totally believable, but in all of the grand conspiracy theory stories, you need to suspect belief to get into it.  The pacing of the story made that easy to do. Totally get the audio if you can.